We have been producing since 1950 in the heart of Tuscany, enhancing the characteristics of the beans with care and passion, heirs of an artisan tradition that creates value and knows how to recognize true beauty. Even in a cup of coffee.

Our story begins with Corsino Corsini, the founder. It is he who created a small "vertical" shop in the center of Arezzo: on the top floor the green coffee warehouse, then the roasting and, on the ground floor, the resale with roasted, loose, ground and packaged on the spot. Success comes quickly, under the name of Caffè Caracas.
Corsino has solid relationships with the Venezuelan consul,who is also a roaster: this is how, together, they give life to the name of the blend. The company immediately became well known in the city and throughout the province, not only thanks to the innovative vision, which makes it one of the first companies in the sector to industrialize, but also to the skill of those who work there, a large family intent on tasting, find defects, balance, toast, grind, always inebriated by the good scent of coffee.

In an era in which the shop is in force, the company, still in the city, is equipped with a state-of-the-art plant, capable of producing in a different way with roasting machines (one makes a fine show of itself at the entrance of the new plant outside porta) and modern preservation techniques, including sliding trolleys, maturation silos, mixers, blends preparation rooms, roasted coffee maturation, storage, while everywhere the coffee is still ground on the spot. An avant-garde company, a model to follow, "impeccably organized and renewed in all its systems", reads a glossy magazine of the times.
An avant-garde company, a model to follow, "impeccably organized and renewed in all its systems", reads a glossy magazine of the times. Shortly thereafter, the spread in all the most important coffee shops, and the leap into large distribution (GDO), just born, in 1957.

Caffè Corsini is one of the founders, and will be part of it until 2000, of the São Café Consortium, an association born from the desire of several Italian roasters to combine their knowledge and present together the best of their production.
Sao Café becomes a very popular product in the 80s launched by the unforgettable jingle of a commercial with Pippo Franco, which concluded by declaring: “I have a nose for coffee”.

Since the 1980s, Silvano Corsini , Corsino's son, took over the family business with great determination. He grows professionally like the company, after graduating in Economics at the University of Florence, amidst bags of green coffee from all over the world and human relations that allow him a privileged observatory on reality.
In 1987, the turning point in production, with the marketing of the first coffee DOC (denomination of controlled origin), which marks the birth in Italy of the concept applied to the product. It is "Estrella del Caribe", single origin of Santodomingo, 100% Arabica, the first coffee in Italy to declare its origin on the package.
It is a simple but absolutely revolutionary idea that immediately attracts the consumer, an innovation so success to mark the furrow and become customary for everyone, today more than ever. Silvano's entrepreneurial vision and his immoderate passion for coffee lead Caffè Corsini to success.

In Italia non esiste ancora il concetto di caffè filtro, ma i viaggi all’estero e il continuo confronto con i professionisti stranieri portano Silvano a contatto con questa bevanda, di cui il patron della Corsini individua il potenziale.
Nasce così l’American Coffee, sotto il brand “River Steamer Coffee House”, il primo caffè filtro in Italia realizzato in accordo con Melitta, ai tempi azienda leader per la produzione di carta e macchine per caffè filtro. Tutt’oggi, il nostro prodotto è il più venduto in Italia.

Silvano Corsini passes the baton to Patrick Hoffer , son of his wife Maria Pilar. “I met Silvano as a child and I have a very deep emotional and professional bond with him. He was the one who taught me everything I know about coffee. For me, Silvano is a model to imitate, in work as in life. Silvano was a predecessor, one of the first to lay the foundations for the development of this sector, together with Ernesto Illy, Emilio Lavazza, Alberto Hesse, the great masters he has always dealt with ".
Strengthened by the same passion, after a degree in Economics, and starting as an employee, he burns the stages: it is upon his arrival that the customer base expands, that the first foreign customer arrives (in Spain) and that it is decided to diversify countries where raw materials are imported (here are Il giaguaro, Il parrotallo, the grand cru).
He first became CEO of the company, and then president, a role he still holds today. It is precisely by virtue of his enthusiasm that Patrick supports the management of the company also important institutional roles in the sector, becoming an ambassador of quality coffee, holding the position of President of the Italian Coffee Committee first and of the Coffee Promotion Consortium then, to educate the consumer and inform the scientific community on the benefits of coffee for the body, fighting and supporting the cause in defense of both human and environmental sustainability within the industry. His multitasking vocation, perhaps due to the plurality of his origins (the Spanish mother and the English father, in turn the son of a German and a Czech), always pushes him forward: it is always Patrick who initiates the creation of the Italian school caffeicola, with the aim of encouraging exchange with the countries of origin, to create bridges of knowledge between the producing countries and the Italian coffee sector.

Only through a deep and widespread culture can coffee get out of the commercial logic that privileges finance over quality, approximation to professionalism. For this, Patrick founded one of the first bartender schools in Italy. The Academy of Caffè Corsini is born, to complete the supply chain capable of guaranteeing quality right down to the cup. Here the best professionals of the sector are trained, and the greatest number of samples:
Francesco Sanapo, three times Italian Barista Champion - and sixth in the world championship out of 60 countries - and Cup Tasters winner
Francesco Masciullo, Italian Barista Champion
Michele Anedotti, best Italian Roaster
Charlotte Malavan, French champion and others.
Sanapo, Masciullo and Anedotti are still an integral part of our "team".

The green philosophy of the company is increasingly realized, eliminating the emissions of fine particles into the atmosphere - the first company in Italy to do so! - and reaching over 35% of the necessary energy needs thanks to the photovoltaic roof of over 6000 square meters.

Caffè Corsini becomes the official distributor of Hario, a world brewing equipment company, founded in 1921 known throughout the world for the beauty of the shape and the absolute precision and functionality of the objects and machinery for the alternative extraction of coffee. Caffè Corsini, a lover for generations, profound connoisseur and popularizer of coffee culture, producer of the best-selling Italian filter coffee, thus identifies Hario as a partner company for high-end and high-quality products.

The shareholders of Caffè Corsini have agreed on close cooperation with the German Melitta Group. The aim is to cooperate in the future on market cultivation and product development for the mutual benefit of both companies and thus to open up new opportunities together. Under the terms of this partnership, the Melitta Group has acquired 70 percent of the shares in Corsino Corsini S.p.A..
Caffè Corsini's vocation is continuous innovation, the search for new objectives, in an eternal “renaissance” dictated by the professionalism of passionate pioneers of the bean. First in Italy to have valued doc coffees, then filter coffees and finally specialty coffees, ours is an important story that does not preclude new horizons but suggests unexpected possibilities: the search to continue serving you the best coffee continues.
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